I am going to be called crazy for even writing this blog now, or you might find me in the state hospital or maybe laying in a pool or pond. But I am not the one working for NASA, I have confirmation and proof another person who is a person with the background from NASA himself. Confirming the Roswell crashing from 1947 confirms that story as well as speaking about there was a time that you would have been threatened over publishing stories such as this one but these are times were I want to say if our President wants us to go along with Health Care Reform then I am not asking for your birth certificate. I am asking Mr President show us the proof the cat is out the bag. Someone who worked for NASA confirming that he knows there is life form on other planets as well as they have had contact with us on more then one occasion.
This is major news and no one wants to admit it. But if I were to speak to anyone about this in person they would laugh and agree and walk away and say oh he is losing his mind but I guess the people at NASA are as well I want to to watch these two videos and let me know what you think about this I am really trying not to dwell one this much because I have not seen it with my own eyes but the proof is written in stone. I have done enough research now the only thing I do not have is photo's of my partying on a space craft drinking Grey Goose which is my favorite drink. But we can not have what we want always in life. I am just really astonished to hear someone from the governments side point of view to bring this to the table.
If we only had more people who would be a little more honest and just stop hiding the government secrets and just live and let live. This world would become a better place to live in but we have so much back and forth with who has what and who does not have the right to do or say certain things. These are situations that create other situations. I am going to go deep now like mind itself. I doubled checked on Wikipedia about this story as well, 1947 a man named Captain Mantell made an attempt to shoot down a UFO and he was in for a suprise from the story that I read and researched the facts, he plane landed and actually described as it crumbled into pieces as if the landing was not enough let alone the fact that is was a skeleton in his plane whatever was done to him while he went to launch an attack on this UFO and its more likely to say the battle was lost in seconds his plane was basically disintegrated into pieces. You are welcomed to research this story the location was in Goodman Field, KY. Now for the rest of the confirmation you may view the video and post your comments as well and I want to thank all of my supporters and please feed free to comment.
Interview (Dr Edgar Mitchell From NASA)
Phone Call To NASA Confirmation: Watch this video PLEASE!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Dr Edgar Mitchell (From: NASA) Confirms The Story
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Proof of life in space (NASA is watching and can't believe it)
Here we are watching something again that is nothing I have ever seen before but makes you ask yourself what is really going on out there in space and are the government telling us everything and are they hiding something from us?
Click on the link below
Proof of Life in space!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Political Mess: Political Situation What Happen to Stan?
Political Mess: Political Situation What Happen to Stan?
Alien News: CLICK HERE
Joe (You Lie): CLICK HERE
Posted by Dmobile215 at 3:42 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
CNN news interview By Capt Robert Salas (RET)
Larry King interviewed Mr. Salas and he stated that the minute men missile were disabled who knows why no one will admit it and go down to The White House to protest and get disclosure on such issues. I watched a video with Dr. Steven Greer who is head of the Disclosure Project and he stated that other life forms do not want no nuclear weapons in there air space.
We really do not know what our government is doing now of days. If any of these movies and video's have any truth to them there is no way the average citizens will have a way to really prove it. Most likely the people whom have come close to exposing such secrets have been killed. If you do not believe this then look at the story from William Cooper who was a radio host for Hour Of The Time, you are welcomed to visit the web page and see for yourself. We are only told what they want us to know because I believe America's would panic if they saw anything like this or any life form they do not see that is of human kind.
But we as people must be opened minded that if there were no life form out there or something worth going out there for why are we going out of space in NASA, I have taken some time to Email NASA never got a comment back. No response very easy to ignore someone but now let me use my own imagination on this subject. There has to be something going on other then missle defense systems.
Posted by Dmobile215 at 9:48 PM
Labels: Aliens, astronaut, china, cnn, cosmonaut, disclosureproject, dr steven greer, nasa, orionproject, Space, spacenews